Pinterest Marketing Dragonslayer

I’ve been serious about wrapping my head around the digital marketing space for close to four years now. The spark for this quest was the confusion/frustration/shame I often experienced while attending conference sessions about digital marketing. I had a book coming out, for gosh sakes! I needed to know this stuff! Yet, those derned presenters (Most of which were millennial cutie-patooties.) kept telling me WHAT I needed to, but never HOW to do it. Obviously, there was a cavern as wide as the Grand Canyon between this Baby Boomer’s skillset and the blather coming out of those tech wizard’s mouths. For me to bridge that gap, I’d have to swallow my pride and figure it out, keystroke by keystroke. I’m still working at it.

As you well know, I’m forever intrigued by the benefits of Pinterest marketing for our Kidlit community. It’s a creature unlike other forms of social media. That’s for certain. (I describe some of the differences here on a video I made for you.) Yet, some the required elements to build a presence on Pinterest platform are similar and can be repurposed on other platforms. Some examples of such elements are branded graphics, opt-ins (freebies that live on your website), and the all-knowing website landing page.

My newest quest is to conquer the Pinterest Promoted Pin, a feat that would cause Heracles to shiver. I’m not going to slay this dragon alone, though. No way. I have my band of gurus as wise as Yoda, my oh-so-brave side-kick, Taylor (She’s available to help you, too.), and a handful of faithful clients joining me. Many are preparing for survival by sharpening their digital marketing tools. Some have made plans to simultaneously market their campaigns on Instagram & Facebook by posting well-timed, resized graphics. A few have created educationally-sound opt-ins as free downloads. We’re all looking at our landing pages to be sure that our messages are clear and easily understood by those who stop by our websites.

We might be in for a perilous journey. I’ll keep you posted as to our progress.

Debbie Gonzales is an author, educator, and a Pinterest Marketing specialist. She’s the host of Guided by Deb, a website consisting of over 300 standards-aligned educator guides for all genres. If you’re interested in learning more about Pinterest marketing, reach out to Deb. She loves talking about all things Pinterest!

Going Evergreen

Yesterday, while scrolling through my Pinterest home feed, one of my old Guides by Deb pins surfaced in the mix. This heart-laced beauty merits a bit of examination. I could geek out by analyzing this treasure in bazillion ways. For now, lucky for you, I’ll stick to just two points.

Anne Bustard’s BUDDY HOLLY pin was part of a campaign we ran in late 2020 in anticipation of hitting the Valentine’s Day 2021 trend. We prepare for campaigns such as on a monthly basis around anticipated trends, themes, or deliberate efforts to build platforms based on a client’s expertise. In this case, we nailed last year's Guides by Deb Valentine’s Day campaign, and it looks like we’re going to do it again in 2022 without any effort at all! Yippee!

Evergreen marketing transcends glitz and fads, which is why I believe so strongly in the power of Pinterest. Rather than surfacing as a digital blip on other forms of social media, this stuff lasts. The secret to posting pins that thrive like a Ponderosa Pine is to link to quality content that is inspirational, authentic, educational, and beneficial for your intended audience. In this case, our charming specimen is linked to a juicy book list and freebies that will make any elementary educator swoon.

I’d like to give a shout out to two other Pinterest marketers that are featured on the screen shot. The Mandela pin on the lower left was posted by the lovely Lindsey McDivitt. I’m not sure when she posted that pin, but I’ve seen it before in other searches. It's doing well. The Idea Pin beneath BUDDY is highlighting a freebie promoting Jeanne Walker Harvey’s MY HANDS SING THE BLUES, which was first posted on August 25, 2021. My guess is that the Pinterest algorithms have linked these gorgeous pins and their time-tested content to the current Black History Month trend (See graph below). You’re going green, ladies. Good for you.

Kermit’s words, “It ain’t easy being green,” pretty much sums up the process of marketing on Pinterest. It requires intriguing content, strategy, planning, patience, and a little bit of luck to find success on this platform. And believe you me…it’s worth the effort.

Debbie Gonzales is an author, educator, and a Pinterest Marketing specialist. She’s the host of Guided by Deb, a website consisting of over 300 standards-aligned educator guides for all genres. If you’re interested in learning more about Pinterest marketing, reach out to Deb. She loves talking about all things Pinterest!

The Reluctant Marketer Rides Again.

Most of us feel reluctance when it comes to calling attention to ourselves, which is what we intuit that marketing is all about. We angst about the time required to establish a platform. We’re baffled regarding the tech skills required. We’re lost when it comes to navigating our way through this confusing digital marketplace. Because of our distress, most of us avoid the topic altogether. Then, when our big moment arrives - we panic! We’re not ready! Help!

It doesn't have to be this way. I promise.

Many of you have heard my Writer’s League of Texas story. I attended their behemoth conference as a novice in early 2008. I was overwhelmed by the masses. How in the world could I become noticed in this multitude of authors, all of whom seemed much more accomplished than I perceived I’d ever become? My dream to become a published author seemed formidable. What the heck was I thinking? Then hope arrived.

I attended a session in which the speaker was practicing some tough love with his audience. He said whether we were published or not, we needed to come to terms with the fact that marketing is simply part of the publishing process. Even back then, he told us that we shouldn’t depend on our publishers to do all of the heavy lifting, that we needed to establish an author platform, and that this could be done through creating content. I had no idea what he was talking about, but I grabbed onto his words like my life depended on it.

He explained that, if we’re serious about publication, we need to host a “blog” on a website (?). On this “blog” we were to create “content” on a consistent basis (Double ??). This “content” was to be founded on interests, ideas, and activities that are unique to us. He said that, if we consistently create this blog content bi-weekly, we will eventually create an author platform that would become a resource for an audience of readers. He told us not to worry if people didn’t come to our blog. Just keep it up. Don’t stop. Well, being serious about publication, I accepted his challenge and established a blog called Simple Saturday. I had fun with that blog for 4 short years AND, I began establishing an audience for my work! I continue to benefit from the experience to this day.

I’m telling this story to encourage you to consider what your authentic messaging might be. What are your interests? Strengths? Passions? How do your interests, strengths and passions inform your writing? Asking yourself these questions will help to establish a solid foundation for your author platform. By doing so, you'll establish clarity and purpose in your messaging. This is what takes the ick of marketing. For real!

I’m eager to hear about your ideas. What are you inspired to share with your audience on a consistent basis? Your poetry? Your crafts? Your joys? Your pets? Your love of reading? Your questions about life? Your angst about marketing? (Now, that’s a good one!)

Let me know if I can help simplify this process for you.

Debbie Gonzales is an author, educator, and a Pinterest Marketing specialist. She’s the host of Guided by Deb, a website consisting of over 300 standards-aligned educator guides for all genres. If you’re interested in learning more about Pinterest marketing, reach out to Deb. She loves talking about all things Pinterest!

Pinterest Marketing Basics: Keep It Simple, Authentic & Fun

I firmly believe that all book creators would benefit by establishing a visibility platform on Pinterest, this goes for pre-published authors and illustrators, as well. Not only is the process in establishing a viable platform highly effective as a marketing tool, Pinterest shines an authentic light on who we are and what we embrace as creatives. This reflection is digitally achieved by intentional connections between one’s Pinterest platform and their website. Here’s how the magic happens.

Pinterest is a tool to amplify a message of service, inspiration, and encouragement for our audience. It’s a visual search engine on which parents, teachers, librarians, millennials, and teens use to find answers, products, and inspiration. Gone are the days when we had the luxury of chatting up a potential buyer at a bookstore or festival.  The reality is that purchasing relationships are developed digitally.   Our challenge is to first understand how our services and books meet their needs, then establish a pathway for them to land in an intriguing place where they are compelled by a desire to want more than a one-off purchase. We want to make a dynamic, yet personable, connection through our websites. Tall order, yet relatively easy to do.

Too often we focus on embellishing our websites rather than focusing on their functionality and purpose. Slow-loading websites adorned with gizmos dancing across the screen have lost their appeal. Pinterest users want what they want when they want it. If the website seems buggy or confusing, they’ll bounce. Conversely, if they land on captivating content they can connect with, chances are they’ll poke around the website with curiosity. Better yet, they find the content living on the site to be so intriguing, they bookmark it! Bingo! The first steps toward a happy digital relationship have been established!

Award-winning author Barb Rosenstock not only knows how to write award-winning picture book biographies, she’s savvy regarding how to maximize her web presence to assist in marketing her books and programming. Her website layout is one to consider, for sure. The website is packed with practical content to benefit teachers and librarians,  while being organized in a clear and succinct manner. It’s attractive, loads easily, and is extremely user-friendly. Though not glitzy, Barb’s website is a shining example of inspiration, education, and of service to those who have the good fortune to land on it. 

Much like the revision process, refining our marketing message takes time, especially if we seek to establish something that is genuinely authentic. Our audience is looking for books that resonate with young readers. Take your time to become acquainted with those you desire to market to. The best news is that Pinterest is a long game. Discover the type of content that appeals to them, then experiment with formatting that messaging on your website. The best news is that Pinterest is a long game. It’s a slow burn, which allows plenty of time to thoughtfully establish marketing strategies that edify one’s audience. Most importantly, have fun while doing so!

Debbie Gonzales is an author, educator, and a Pinterest Marketing specialist. She’s the host of Guided by Deb, a website consisting of over 300 standards-aligned educator guides for all genres. If you’re interested in learning more about Pinterest marketing, reach out to Deb. She loves talking about all things Pinterest!

Guide Crafting: Exploring the Animal Kingdom with Mrs. Noah

In our discovery call, author Patti Richards mentioned that she wanted a teacher guide for her delightful new picture book MRS. NOAH that would be appropriate for two educational markets, Christian and traditional. Instead of vacation bible school-like crafts using pipe cleaners and popsicle sticks, Patti wanted some academically-aligned, quality content appropriate for kindergarteners to third grade kids. Tall order. No problem.


In the story, Mrs. Noah partners with Noah to prepare for their journey on the ark. Instead of mapmaking and hammering nails, Mrs. Noah focuses on ‘creature comforts’ - good food, cozy hand-knit caps...all loaded with loving care. The story is tender and sweet, one that needs to be in the hands of every young reader. Teachers don’t have a problem with a tender tale as long as the lessons in the guide are substantial and meet required educational standards. 

The type of educator guide Patti chose was the CCSS and NGSS-aligned Discussion/Project Guide which is composed of pre-reading & post-reading discussion sections and three easily adaptable lessons appropriate for grades K-3 exploring story structure, skip-counting, and the animal kingdom. We covered just about all the curriculum bases in one pop! You can find out more about the book and the guide here. But for fun, I’d like to talk you through the crafting of the animal kingdom lesson. How does that sound? 


While I’m sure some invertebrates (insects, protozoa, worms, get the picture) weaseled their way onto Noah’s ark, I focused on classifying the Vertebrate Phylum. The tools I used in creating this project were InDesign, Photoshop, Google Drive and Canva.  Here's the procedure I followed. 

  • Research short definitions for each class represented in the Invertebrate phylum - mammals, amphibians, birds, reptiles and fish. Print definitions on circular-shaped templates.

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  • Gather two photos of animals from each class. Import those into circular-shaped templates. 

  • The Animal Kingdom - Vertebrates Template: Create the master grid line art sans circular-shaped image templates.

  • The Animal Kingdom - Vertebrates Template Answer Guide: Create a separate answer guide by adding the circular-shaped image template to the master grid.

  • The Animal Kingdom Images & Labels: Duplicate the answer guide including the circular-shaped images and definitions. Delete the master grid line art. Arrange the circular-shaped images on the page.

  • In the lesson procedure, educators are directed to encourage the students to search through the book to discover examples of each class - Mammals, Reptiles, Birds, Amphibians and Fish. Then, using scissors, instruct students to trim around the circular-shaped image templates and match them where they belong on the master Animal Kingdom - Vertebrates Template. 


Who knows? Maybe Mrs. Noah’s story might be a child’s first impression of zoological taxonomy! If so, we want the experience to be unforgettable! 

For more educator guides like this one, stop by the Guides by Deb website where you’ll find over 300 standards-aligned guides crafted for all ages and genres. There is something for everyone there. 

Debbie Gonzales is an author, educator and a Pinterest Management Specialist. Learn more about Deb and her many fascinating projects at and

Tips from a Pinterest Marketer: We’re in it to win it together!

Of late, the KidLit industry has been turned on it’s head, to say the very least. The most part, promotional events are still being held online. Actually, book festival promoters, book sellers, and conference hosts have discovered that offering their programming digitally is affordable, accessible, and highly profitable. For those reasons alone, we all need to embrace the digital space as our new marketing frontier. Easier said than done for most of us, right? 

We’re used to meeting our audiences face-to-face. We rely on one-to-one conversations about our books, programming and services. We've grown to depend on the personal touch to develop a know-like-and-trust connection with kids, parents, and educators. For many of us, those opportunities are still nonexistent. Well….fiddlesticks! What are we going to do now? 

Here’s our plan. We’re going to thoughtfully lean into the digital space with cunning and zeal. To begin with, here is what we are NOT going to do. We’re not going to react in panic by repeatedly posting graphics about ourselves. Nope. Instead, we’re going to shift our thinking to an audience-centric mode.  We’ll begin this process by developing the mindset of a successful Pinterest KidLit Marketer.

  • Step One: Take yourself out of the equation.  Successful digital marketers keep their audience’s needs, wants & desires at the forefront. We must set aside our angst and explore ways to inspire, educate, encourage, entertain and entice our peeps to click through to our content. Once we land a greatly-appreciated click-though, we want to set sights on developing a relationship. There are a number of ways to achieve this goal. For now, just consider ways to edify them first. As one of my clients said, “I like that Pinterest is all about the other and not about me. It feels right.” I agree, wholeheartedly. 

  • Step Two: Give something away. Create something of value for your audience to access for free from your website. Think thoughtful trinkets. You can go grandiose by offering a multi-paged educator guide or tiny by an invitation to  register for a fifteen minute free Face Time read aloud. Since we are not able to schlep our swag at a book festival table, we have to make it digital. But most of all...we must make it fun.

  • Step Three: Stay in it to win it. As it goes with any worthwhile endeavor, establishing visibility on Pinterest requires posting consistently, whatever consistently means to you. Once a week. Twice a week. Daily. Always keep in mind , it’s not YOU that your audience is looking for. (Ouch, right?) It’s your authentically genuine messaging that will catch their eye. They're looking for  tangible ways your CONTENT, including your books, can solve a problem, answer a question, or serve as a vehicle of encouragement and/or of inspiration. 

The strategy we’re going to take is to lead with THEM in mind. Not us. We’ll work to anticipate their needs by examining ways that we can be exceedingly helpful. Showcasing book lists. How-to videos. Tips and tricks of the trade. Things like that. (Don’t worry. All of the good things you’ve done and are doing to this point will not go to waste. All those awards and accolades are important, for sure. Good for you!) 

We’ve got this. We’re in it to win it together! 

Debbie Gonzales is an author, educator and a Pinterest Management Specialist. Learn more about Deb and her many fascinating projects at and

Free Resources to Assist Understanding, Compassion & Confidence

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Guides by Deb is featuring resources for selected picture books, middle grade, and YA novels to assist in understanding the plight of marginalized populations. Author/Educator Deb Gonzales believes that reading empowers compassion, competence, and confidence. She hopes that her teacher guides might serve as a tool to make these attributes become reality.

William Still and His Freedom Stories written and illustrated by Don Tate (PB): William Still's parents escaped slavery but had to leave two of their children behind, a tragedy that haunted the family. As a young man, William went to work for the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society, where he raised money, planned rescues, and helped freedom seekers who had traveled north. And then one day, a strangely familiar man came into William's office, searching for information about his long-lost family. Could it be?

When You Look Out the Window: How Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin Built a Community written by Gayle Pitman & illustrated by Christopher Lyles (PB): When You Look Out the Window tells the story of Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin, one of San Francisco's most well-known and politically active lesbian couples. Describing the view from Phyllis and Del's window, this book shows how one couple's activism transformed their community —
and had ripple effects throughout the world

We Are Grateful: Otsaliheliga written by Traci Sorell & illustrated by Frane Lessac (PB): The Cherokee community is grateful for blessings and challenges that each season brings. This is modern Native American life as told by an enrolled citizen of the Cherokee Nation. The word otsaliheliga (oh-jah-LEE-hay-lee-gah) is used by members of the Cherokee Nation to express gratitude.

Under the Freedom Tree written by Susan VanHecke & illustrated by London Ladd (PB): Taut free verse tells the little-known story of the first contraband camp of the Civil War—seen by some historians as the
"beginning of the end of slavery in America." In 1863, they bore witness to one of the first readings of the Emancipation Proclamation in the South—beneath the sheltering branches of the tree now known as Emancipation Oak.

This Day in June written by Gayle E. Pitman & illustrated by Kristyna Litten (PB): This day in June…. Parade starts soon….  Rainbow arches…. Joyful marches! In a wildly whimsical, validating, and exuberant reflection of the LGBT community, This Day In June welcomes readers to experience a pride celebration and share in a day when we are all united.

The Angel of Death: The Story of a Mengele Twin in Auschwitz written by Eva Mozes Kor & Lisa Rojany Buccieri (MG): Eva Mozes Kor was just ten years old when she arrived in Auschwitz. While her parents and two older
sisters were taken to the gas chambers, she and her twin, Miriam, were herded into the care of the man known as the Angel of Death, Dr. Josef Mengele. Subjected to sadistic medical experiments, she was forced to fight daily for her and her twin's survival.

The Amazing Age of John Roy Lynch written by Chris Barton & Illustrated by Don Tate (PB): A unique biography
of a remarkable Reconstruction figure. John Roy Lynch spent most of his childhood as a slave in Mississippi, but all of that changed with the Emancipation Proclamation. Suddenly people like John Roy could have paying jobs and attend school. While many people in the South were unhappy with the social
change, John Roy thrived in the new era. He was appointed to serve as justice of the peace and was eventually elected into the United States Congress.

Poet: The Remarkable Story of George Moses Horton written & illustrated by Don Tate (PB): George loved words. But George was enslaved. In this powerful biography of George Moses Horton, the first southern African-American man to be published, Don Tate tells an inspiring and moving story of talent and determination.

My Name is Not Easy written by Debby Dahl Edwardson (MG): My name is not easy. My name is hard like ocean ice grinding the shore...Luke knows his Iñupiaq name is full of sounds white people can’t say. So he leaves it behind when he and his brothers are sent to boarding school hundreds of miles away from their Arctic village. At Sacred Heart School, students—Eskimo, Indian, White—line up on different sides of the cafeteria like there’s some kind of war going on. Here, speaking Iñupiaq—or any native language—is

It Jes’ Happened written by Don Tate & illustrated by R. Gregory Christie (PB): The inspiring biography of self-taught (outsider) artist Bill Traylor, a former slave who at the age of eighty-five began to draw pictures
based on his memories and observations of rural and urban life in Alabama.

Illegal written by Francisco Stork (YA): Life in Mexico is a death sentence for Emiliano and his sister Sara. To escape the violent cartel that is after them, they flee across the border, seeking a better life in the United States and hoping that they can find a way to bring their pursuers to justice.

Hope’s Gift written by Kelly Starling Lyons & illustrated Don Tate (PB): A poignant story celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. It’s 1862 and the Civil War has turned out to be a long, deadly
conflict. Hope’s father can’t stand the waiting a minute longer and decides to join the Union army to fight for freedom. He slips away one tearful night, leaving Hope, who knows she may never see her father again, with only a conch shell for comfort.

Girls with Guts: The Road to Breaking Barriers and Bashing Records written by Debbie Gonzales & illustrated by Rebecca Gibbon (PB): A celebration of the strength, endurance, and athleticism of women and girls throughout the ages, Girls With Guts! keeps score with examples of women athletes from the late 1800s up through the 1970s, sharing how women refused to take no for an answer, and how finally, they pushed for a law to protect their right to play, compete, and be athletes.

Girl in Reverse written by Barbara Stuber (YA): Being adopted isn't easy - especially when you're seen as a national enemy. A teen seeks the roots of her identity in this stirring novel from the acclaimed
author of Crossing the Tracks.

Feminism from A to Z by Gayle Pitman (YA): A book for all teens — no matter what gender you are — about feminism: what it is, what it means, and how to do it...from A to Z. This Day in June, Feminism From A to Z
is an alphabetical primer on feminism for teen girls. Each chapter examines a topic that offers call-to-action exercises incorporated into each lesson. Includes an introduction to readers on how to use the book and an alphabetical list of ways to take feminist action.

Ellen’s Broom written by Kelly Starling Lyons & illustrated by Daniel Minter (PB): A young girl learns a new meaning for freedom during the time of Reconstruction. Ellen always knew the broom resting above the hearth was special. Before it was legal for her mother and father to officially be married, the broom was what made them a family anyway. But now all former slaves who had already been married in their hearts could register as lawful husband and wife.

Disappeared written by Francisco Stork (YA): A missing girl, a determined reporter, and a young man on the brink combine for a powerful story of choices, suspense, and survival. Siblings Sara and Emiliano will each face impossible choices, between life and justice, friends and family, truth and love. But when the criminals come after Sara, only one path remains for both siblings: the way across the desert to the United States.

Blacksmith Song written by Elizabeth Van Steenwyk & illustrated by Anna Rich (PB): The son of an enslaved blacksmith learns that his father is using the rhythm of his hammering to communicate with travelers on the
Underground Railroad.

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So grateful for this PSLA Teaching and Learning – Literature Review


What a joy it was to pop over to Twitter this morning to find that the PSLA Teaching and Learning – Literature Review featured GIRLS WITH GUTS in this lovely article. What a blessings!

And, for GWG to be featured alongside these other titles? Dang! That’s grand slam.

Have a closer look at my PSLA review mates. I think we make a fantastic team. Don’t you?

Happy reading!

Announcing The Let's Get Social Workshop Series: Don't tell me what to do, show me how.


My picture book debut year is quickly coming to an end. I can sincerely say that I have loved every minute of it. Not only have I enjoyed making connections with teachers, librarians, parents, community groups, conference-goers, bookstores, and – most especially – kids, I’ve discovered that I really like content marketing. I’m convinced that it’s critical that we wrap our heads around aspects of this. Our visibility depends on it.

I’ve discovered that there are ways for us to enhance our visibility and deepen a sincere sense of community through consistently sharing interesting content that is both authentic and helpful. I’ve also learned that, instead of spreading ourselves paper-thin attempting to sparkle on all social media platforms, we are encouraged to master only one or two.  

The golden key to effective content marketing success is showing up on a consistent basis. To do so, it’s super helpful to develop a strategic plan clarifying what to post, when to post it,
and how to repurpose it. I’d like for you to meet three accomplished women who
are eager to show us just how to do these things...and more.

  • Abby Herman –Content Marketing Specialist: Because the e-newsletter is the most important tool in the online marketing toolbox, I’ve asked Abby to present The Essentials of the E-Newsletter. Abby is a master of what is known as the “nurturing email series.” During her session, she will guide us to an understanding of how we can build a community by crafting newsletters in thoughtful and considerate ways.

  •  Louise Brogan of The Social Bee NI: Of late, Zoom has become a staple form of communication for most of us. Yet, there’s more to the platform than simply accessing an email link. Using Zoom with intention can benefit our marketing strategies and Louise will show us how to do just that. As a bonus, Louise will share her remarkable LinkedIn
    expertise with us during her session, Mastering Zoom.    

  • Jillian O’Keefe – Social Media Manager: Because Instagram has the highest engagement rate of any social media platform, we need to learn how to develop a dynamic presence there. In her session, Platform Building with Instagram, Jillian is going to show us how to build a lively presence showcasing our projects and personalities on Instagram. I cannot wait for this

In my session, Establishing a Personal Plan for Success, we’ll analyze how some authors and illustrators in the kidlit industry have mastered the art of content marketing. Then, using a research-based strategy, we’ll establish a plan to do the same by implementing an approach founded on our own talents and strengths.

I hope you can join me for the Let’s Get Social Marketing Series. I’m certain we’ll all be better for the experience. You’ll find a link to register below.

Pinterest Marketing for the Kid Lit Crowd - Pin-Crafting Basics

Make a Pinterest pin by following the easy-peasy steps described in this video:

In this video, using my best Montessori teacher voice, I demonstrate just how easy it is to make a Pinterest pin using Canva, a free on-line software program. While the pin crafted in this video is a super-simple one, it gets the job done just fine. I bet, once you become familiar with Canva, you’ll want to make lots of projects like Facebook graphics, groovy bookmarks, and nifty postcards to promote your great work. I’d love to see what you come up with!

Most of you already know that I happen to be on fire for Pinterest. I’ve had a vibrant account for a little over a year now and am racking up over a 1.3 million impressions on my platform to date. I’m now offering my services to help other authors & Illustrators maximize the potential of this powerful platform in the same way that I have.

Let me know if you’d like to know more about the power of Pinterest.

I’m here if you need me.

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When a Young Reader Posts about Your Book on Their Website

Meet Bridget

Meet Bridget

Bridget and the Books: A girl who loves to read

I met an amazing young woman during a story time signing at Literati Books last week. Her name is Bridget and she is on fire for reading! Not only is her high-energy personality great fun to be around, she’s well-read and quite knowledgeable about all of the latest books on coming out on the kidlit scene today. I was thoroughly impressed by her ability to make connections between pertinent subject matter and contemporary resources. For instance, Althea Gibson is one of the girls with guts featured in my book. After I read Althea’s passage, Bridget instantly popped up with a connection between the passage and Varian Johnson’s The Parker Inheritance. Well done, Bridget!

I was also enamored by her delightful father, whose pride for his daughter radiates throughout his entire being. He actively supports for Bridget’s love and reading and blog production by traveling around the city assuring that she can meet authors, face-to-face. He keeps her focused, enthused, and nutritionally fortified. I really enjoyed getting to know him, too.

Take a moment to access Bridget’s blog. Enjoy reading the vast number of author interviews she’s got listed there. (She’s invited me to contribute an interview to her blog. I’ll share my post once it goes live. ) Appreciate her generosity as she directs readers to consider the platforms other cool kids are creating. Read five reasons why Bridget had to says readers will like Girls with Guts.

Learn more about Bridget and the Books by accessing her Facebook page and on Instagram. Contact information and book review deets can be found on her website. She’s adorable firecracker! You’ll love her.

Deb Gonzales: Aligning Your Core Content with Academic Standards

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About Deb Gonzales:

Debbie Gonzales is a career educator, curriculum consultant, former school administrator, adjunct professor, and once served as a SCBWI RA for the Austin Chapter. Deb currently devotes her time to writing middle grade novels, crafting educator guides with Guides by Deb, producing The Debcast (a podcast dedicated to the empowering spirit of the female athlete) and various freelance projects. She’s the author of six “transitional” readers for New Zealand publisher, Giltedge, and the forthcoming non-fiction picture book Girls with Guts: The Road to Breaking Barriers and Bashing Records (Charlesbridge, 2019). Deb currently serves as board member for the Michigan Reading Association. She earned her MFA in writing for children and young adults from the Vermont College of Fine Arts.

Deb’s Contact Info:

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Dianne White: Connecting Your Core Message and the School Visit

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Meet Dianne:

DIANNE WHITE is the award-winning author of BLUE ON BLUE (S&S/Beach Lane Books), illustrated by Caldecott medalist, Beth Krommes, GOODBYE BRINGS HELLO, illustrated by Daniel Wiseman (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt), WHO EATS ORANGE, illustrated by Robin Page (S&S/Beach Lane Books), and the forthcoming, GREEN on GREEN, illustrated by Felicita Sala (Beach Lane Books, 2020). She holds an elementary bilingual teaching credential and a master’s degree in Language and Literacy. In 2007, she received her MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts.

After 25 years teaching students of all ages, Dianne now writes full-time from her home in the suburbs of Phoenix, Arizona. Visit Dianne online at

Contact Info:

Session Time Stamps:

  • [01.16] Primary aspect of career building - Craft

  • [02:10] Finding your school visit WHY?

  • [05:58] Look for mentors

  • [14:25] Prepare your message

  • [18:32] Power Point, Props & Tips

  • [27:00] Start Local

  • [32:30] Grow Over Time

  • [37:21] Contracts, Book Sales, Technology - Running a Business

  • [46:00] Q & A

  • [47:02] Starting with WHY?

  • [47:37] Post Visit Follow Up

  • [50:49] Group Size & Crowd Control

  • [56:33] Packing Personal Necessities

  • [58:20] Trouble Shooting

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Congratulations New in 19 March Releases

Congratulations, Cathy Breisacher, Jamie LB Deenihan, Jonathon Stutzman, Wendy Greenley, Ashley Yazdani, Elizabeth Brown and Mikela Prevost!

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#Newin19 is a community of debut trade picture book authors and illustrators whose books are launching in 2019.

Below you’ll find the covers of the New in 19 books being release in March. Click on the image to access ordering information.

Congratulations, New in 19 February Releases!!!

Congratulations, Vivian, Lindsey, and Mia!

#Newin19 is a community of debut trade picture book authors and illustrators whose books are launching in 2019.

Below you’ll find the covers of the New in 19 books being release in February. Click on the image to access ordering information.

congratulations, all! From Guides by deb

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Guides by Deb – Keeping your books in the hearts of young readers and in the hands of those who care for them.

This blog post was created by Debbie Gonzales, MFA. Deb is a career educator, curriculum consultant, former school administrator and adjunct professor, and once served as a SCBWI RA for the Austin Chapter. She's the author of six “transitional” readers for a New Zealand publisher and the forthcoming non-fiction picture book Girls with Guts: The Road to Breaking Barriers and Bashing Records (Charlesbridge, 2019). Deb earned her MFA in writing for children and young adults from the Vermont College of Fine Arts.

Click here to access a website - Guides By Deb - which is jam-packed full of premier educators guides for all genres, all ages, and all kinds of fun.

Are you interested in discussing a reader’s guide project? If so, click here. Deb’s eager to hear from you!

Deb also hosts The Debcast - a podcast dedicated to the courageous female athletes of the past and present who demonstrate that playing like a girl means to approach sports – and life – with confidence, commitment, and drive in order to achieve any worthy goal. It means being aware that, when you excel in your sport, it’s a win for all girls – everywhere. The Debcast explores what it means to be an athletic girl with guts by talking with female athletes of all ages and walks of life, as well as authors who have written about them.

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