Pinterest Marketing Dragonslayer

I’ve been serious about wrapping my head around the digital marketing space for close to four years now. The spark for this quest was the confusion/frustration/shame I often experienced while attending conference sessions about digital marketing. I had a book coming out, for gosh sakes! I needed to know this stuff! Yet, those derned presenters (Most of which were millennial cutie-patooties.) kept telling me WHAT I needed to, but never HOW to do it. Obviously, there was a cavern as wide as the Grand Canyon between this Baby Boomer’s skillset and the blather coming out of those tech wizard’s mouths. For me to bridge that gap, I’d have to swallow my pride and figure it out, keystroke by keystroke. I’m still working at it.

As you well know, I’m forever intrigued by the benefits of Pinterest marketing for our Kidlit community. It’s a creature unlike other forms of social media. That’s for certain. (I describe some of the differences here on a video I made for you.) Yet, some the required elements to build a presence on Pinterest platform are similar and can be repurposed on other platforms. Some examples of such elements are branded graphics, opt-ins (freebies that live on your website), and the all-knowing website landing page.

My newest quest is to conquer the Pinterest Promoted Pin, a feat that would cause Heracles to shiver. I’m not going to slay this dragon alone, though. No way. I have my band of gurus as wise as Yoda, my oh-so-brave side-kick, Taylor (She’s available to help you, too.), and a handful of faithful clients joining me. Many are preparing for survival by sharpening their digital marketing tools. Some have made plans to simultaneously market their campaigns on Instagram & Facebook by posting well-timed, resized graphics. A few have created educationally-sound opt-ins as free downloads. We’re all looking at our landing pages to be sure that our messages are clear and easily understood by those who stop by our websites.

We might be in for a perilous journey. I’ll keep you posted as to our progress.

Debbie Gonzales is an author, educator, and a Pinterest Marketing specialist. She’s the host of Guided by Deb, a website consisting of over 300 standards-aligned educator guides for all genres. If you’re interested in learning more about Pinterest marketing, reach out to Deb. She loves talking about all things Pinterest!