
Up Next? Monster Stew by Stephanie Greene

My next guide project is going to be a fun one - Monster Stew by Stephanie Greene. It takes a great book to make a great guide and this one is sensational!

I love Princess Posey, in fact I met her double the other day while buying dog food at Petco. From time to time I take Tripod in the store with me. (He loves to sniff the cat nip!)

Anyhow, while there I met a chatty little girl about Posey's age. Her headband caused her hair to puff in the most ridiculous way. She asked about Tripod's missing leg, as they all do, and she stopped talking. Her entire body was wrapped in concern for him. After a bit, when she began to tell me about her terrier - oh my - she shuddered with delight. Chatting resumed.

When our all-too-short conversation ended, she put her arm around Tripod and gave him a hug. (He's a great hugger.) As I watched this silly, sweet, charming little thing bury her pale arms into Tri's chocolate fur a shudder came over me. I realized that she is who I write for. She is who I must work to meet at the page.

Simple Saturday: Princess Posey and the First Grade Parade

Okay, my dear Simple Saturday friends. The guide I'm sharing today has been created for the most delightfully darling early chapter book I have ever read...and compadres, I've read a bushel of them. For real.

Princess Posey and the First Grade Parade, written by my partner in crime, Stephanie Greene, and illustrated by cutie-patootie Stephanie Roth Sisson, is the first book in series starring a charmingly complex first grader named Posey, whose persona is altered when she dons her pink tutu. The moment that circle of pink netting wraps around her tiny waist Posey is transformed into --- drum roll, please --- super-confident-ever-invincible Princess Posey!Well, in her six-year-old mind anyway.

The guide I made to compliment this treasure contains not only discussion questions, a compare and contrast activity, a word bank game, and a magic letter 'e' activity, there is a folder game that I'd like for you to take a look at. Access the guide HERE  to get a gander. 

To make the game you'll need a letter-sized manila file folder, glue, a paper clip, a pencil, some game movers, and download the game board. The directions to create the game are all spelled out in the guide. It's fun. Trust me.

I have to say though, that playing the game with the book by your side would be even more meaningful. And, if you have a new first grader who is in any way anxious about going back to school, Posey will help qualm any fears.

She's sweet that way.

Simple Saturday: Lucky Ladybug Bingo

 Before we get to our Simple Saturday activity, I want to chat up this first book on the Princess Posey series. It is cute, cute, CUTE!!!! So cute I just had to buy a copy for my great niece. This book is PERFECT for a child who is about to take those big-big-big steps into the scary halls of First Grade! Believe me.

Y'all, I just have to brag on my pal, Steph. She's such a great writer that girl has gone and got herself a great starred review in The Horn Book. For real! Dude, that's no literary chump change...I'm telling ya!

The activity we're borrowing today comes from the guide written for the second book in this series called Princess Posey and the Perfect Present. The only real bummer here is that we can't buy this book until March! Darn it all.

Here. Click on this link and download the Lucky Ladybug Bingo Game and then I'll tell you how to play.

Prepare game board by printing pages on cardstock or copier paper. Cut out the nine Ladybug Bingo game pieces. Cut out the nine word labels.  Conceal the words on the labels by folding the paper strips in half.   Place folded strips in a small box or basket.

 To play the game remove a folded strip from box or basket. Encourage your wee one to read the word printed on the strip. On the game board, find the picture of the object written on the folded strip.       Cover the picture with a ladybug game piece. When all of the pictures have been covered by ladybug game pieces, remove them and begin again! If you'd like to, go ahead and print out a few game boards and play with your friends. The more the merrier!

Let's fly away home and have a little lucky ladybug fun, shall we?

Speaking of flying home, I'm on my way, John. I've missed you so!