Jeanne Walker Harvey

Planning A Pre-Launch Campaign on Pinterest

Have you ever heard of a woman named Else Bostelmann? I hadn’t, not until one of our long-time clients Jeanne Walker Harvey let us know that she’s launching a biography about this fascinating woman next summer. Yippee, skippy! It’s time to sharpen our Pinterest pre-launch tools. Want a little peek into how it’s done?

First of all, Jeanne is an accomplished, multi-published, award-winning author, a book review blogger, and a committed Pinterest marketer. We’ve been working together for over two years now and it’s been an absolute delight to do so. We know each other well. Jeanne pens remarkable nonfiction picture book biographies, three of which we’ve partnered in pre-launch campaigns. The time to implement the tactics and strategies required to connect her upcoming book with her people starts NOW!

Else Bostelmann? Now that’s another story. We don’t know her. But there are readers living on Pinterest who do and will, eventually, want to buy ELSE B. IN THE SEA: THE WOMAN WHO PAINTED THE WONDERS OF THE DEEP. Much like Dorothy’s Yellow Brick Road, our job is to establish a path leading them to Jeanne’s version of the Emerald City – her website. Instead of using gleaming bricks of canary yellow, we’ll be using SEO, keywords, groovy graphics, and a whole lot of savvy to get the job done. Oh, yeah!

We use a two-pronged approach for book launches or any campaign, starting with building solid Pinterest boards. We focus on specific details of Jeanne's new book and as well as the broader themes explored in all her work. This helps Pinterest sort and show off her content. Bit by bit, we're paving a glittering road to Jeanne's homepage for educators, librarians, history buffs, and even fish-lovers to follow. No ruby slippers required.

You might be thinking, “That’s very nice for Jeanne, but I don’t have a mature platform like she does.” Not to worry, my pretty. Whether you’re a good witch or a bad witch, there are ways to meet your marketing needs on Pinterest. Schedule a Fit Call today. Together we can figure out a plan that is just right for you.