Survival Secrets of Turkey Vultures by Deb Toor

Title: Survival Secrets of Turkey Vultures

Author: Debra Toor

ISBN: 978-1616335717

Synopsis: Join mother vulture on a day-long hunt to feed her hungry chicks. Will she survive? She can't defend herself, kill her own prey, or hunt without thermals. Up-to-date science, photos and activities will help kids understand this gentle vulture's adaptations and its biological role in nature. Suggested age range for readers: 9-11

Educator's Discussion & Activity Guide: Vetted by a number of scientists and experts in the field, this guide consists of an extensive research activity, writing lessons, a puzzle, and a fact-based bingo game. Deb Toor is passionate about this subject and has gone well beyond the extra mile to create a website packed with everything you'd like to know about the turkey vulture - and then some!